Styling a Swingy Necklace

I love a good craving. I can go through long bouts of indecisiveness, so when a craving pops up I’m all about it. Lately I’ve had a craving for long swingy necklaces. I love how they make you feel sexy and carefree. Like you just threw it on (because you did) and yet it looks so polished.

Lately I’ve had a craving for long swingy necklaces. I love how they make you feel sexy and carefree. Like you just threw it on (because you did) and yet it looks so polished.

This necklace was the basis for this whole outfit and I’ll tell you how it came about…

I didn’t want to wear it with just a simple sweater because it still needed some sort of background beyond just one color. That’s when I decided to go shopping and I found this number. The wide army green and black stripes are the perfect backdrop for the gold, and the sheerness of the blouse meant it would work well into spring (something I start to think about this time of year).

The fact that it was only $12 at JCP was a win. I immediately knew I could always throw a scarf on over it or wear it with my leather jacket…two more ways to get use out of it and therefore solidifying my decision.

These skinny black trousers from Old Navy were a perfect fit especially when I paired them with my colored leopard heels (I love me a good pattern mix).

For the rest of my jewelry, I liked doing a black watch and then a pile of bracelets because it meant nothing got more attention than the necklace. A bold bracelet would have taken some of the spotlight.

Note: I hope you enjoyed today’s post! It was a throwback to a post I wrote last January. I’ve got big things a-brewin’ that’s taking up a lot of my time (more on that later). So I’m scaling back the blog (for just a little bit) to 3 day a week posts. This will help me refine my material and be better at bringing you the absolute spiffiest fashion and beauty finds out there! Thanks for continuing to read and have a wonderful day! :)


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